Follow our progress as we verify signatures. If your district is lagging, get involved and help us catch you up!
The State of Alaska Initiative Petition Training Handbook
Alaska signature gathering requirements broken down by district.
A list of bulleted suggestions for starting your letter to the editor.
Notes on where and when to collect signatures in Anchorage.
A code you can print or include in signage to direct people to the website.
A presentation outlining the history behind this initiative and why it's important to re-instate Campaign Contribution Limits.
A sign that can be printed and used for signature gathering.
A half-page informational handout to print and distribute to people who want more information before signing.
A sign-up sheet to track new volunteer signature gatherers during recruitment.
A document to track the booklet auditing process.
In the News
Federal court ruling likely allows unlimited cash in Alaska political campaigns (ADN)
Alaska gubernatorial candidates draw outsized contributions with fundraising limits gone (ADN)
Alaska ballot measure filed to reestablish campaign contribution limits (ADN)
New ballot measure seeks to restrict spending on Alaska elections (APM)
League of Women Voters of Alaska: Join us in calling for campaign finance limits (Homer News)
We must reinstate campaign contribution limits for a fair democracy
How Alaska wound up with no limits on campaign donations — and how some hope to restore them